Finding Determination Letters and Approved Documents

To find determination letters:

1. Log in to

2. Navigate to an approved submission (see Accessing a Submission for more instructions)

3. View the initial determination letter from the IRB/IRB Office at the top right of the workspace
Imaging highlighting the location of a determination letter


1. Log in to

2. Navigate to an approved submission (see Accessing a Submission for more instructions).

3. Click the Follow-on Submissions tab and click the “Correspondence Letter” link to see any/all Modification or Continuing Review letters.  To view a letter, simply click on any Correspondence link and to save a letter, right click and select ‘Save Link As.’
Image highlighting the follow on tab and determination letters

To find currently approved study documents:

1. Log in to

2. Navigate to an approved study (see Accessing a Submission for more instructions).

3. Click the Documents tab on the main study workspace.

4. Click on the appropriate document link to view the version you’re looking for. To save a document, right click and select ‘Save Link As.’
Image displaying the documents tab for final approved documents

Important! A watermark stamp will only appear on Consent Materials, Recruitment Materials/Scripts, and Debriefing Materials. The IRB does not stamp documents with approval dates.